Oops: Nikki Haley Can't Decide If America Is Racist Or Not

1 year ago

In her recent CPAC speech, Nikki Haley made a big point of saying that America is not a racist country. Meanwhile, in her own campaign ad, she doesn't seem to agree with that statement.

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CPAC wow things are really going off the hook. Let's just start with Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley apparently in Kudos Nikki Haley Donald Trump won the CPAC straw poll walking away from Ron DeSantis is my understanding. yeah, and Ron DeSantis couldn't even beat Nikki Haley for vice president. doesn't look good. they've had a tiny D energy. Tiny D. tiny tiny d. Here's Nikki Haley and here she is explaining what her core brand proposition is. Joe and Kamala even said America is racist. Wokeness is a virus more dangerous than any pandemic hands down. I have traveled the world and back. okay, pause it for one second. again I want to make it clear I'm not a scientist. We know that over 5 million people died from this pandemic. We don't have the numbers on how many people suffer from long covid. We know that you know we've got Republican Senators, former Republican Senators saying I had to leave the Senate because I had a long covid. I mean you know there's a culture of Silence about it too. That like seeing things, five or six others suffer similarly and won't say anything. I mean we don't know. But let's just know over 5 million people died from this pandemic. The number of people who died from wokeness. Incalculable. also what about long woke? a lot of people have long woken up? I mean we're all suffering from the long wokeness here, incalculable and almost uncountable. I would say yeah almost like you can't even count how many people have died of wokeness. She went to the same kind of firm to tabulate that as like those faulty numbers about how many people die from communism. Right? it's like it is a better dead than red sort of I think I think she's saying here.

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