Prayer to Free Deep State Prisoners

1 year ago

This is a prayer to call forth the liberation of people imprisoned by the deep state, both literally and figuratively. Think of any such people you would like freed. Share it widely, so we can have not just two gathered in prayer, but many. Or as Edgar Cayce once said, “The prayers of 25 may save a nation.”
This prayer will also help lift deep state influence on your life and that of your loved ones.

The term "Satanic reversals" means calling something is the opposite of what it is. For example, accusing your enemy of what you are doing.

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Not a Saint but a Systembuster, Teaching People to Access the Power of their Being to Call Forth Solutions from God.

Music: "Ride", A Maj

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We call upon God, Jesus, the Universal Source, Archangel Michael, or your term for any of those, as:

We ask and intend the end to:

All deep state persecution,

All coercion tactics and threats to force compliance with deep state agendas,

All targeting and imprisonment of dissenters, especially when done to break resistance to the deep state or intimidate other dissenters.

We ask and intend the end to:

All targeting and imprisonment of scientists and Godsend inventions.

All targeting and imprisonment of doctors, alternative health doctors, and Godsend remedies.

We ask and intend the end to:

All lawsuits and prosecutions designed to blackball and bankrupt dissenters.

All disappearances and assassinations by the deep state.

All torture, enslavement, and mind control by the deep state.



I refuse consent to any rounding up and subsequent imprisonment of dissenters.

I refuse consent to attempts to weaken resistance of humanity to the deep state through deprivation.

I refuse the myriad of attempts to exterminate humanity.



I refuse consent to human trafficking, organ trafficking, and sex slavery.

I refuse consent to MK Ultra houses & torture centers in the US, as well as rape farms in Latin America.

I refuse consent to the creation of wars to generate more victims.



I refuse consent to the sexualization of children and targeting of children for deep state agendas.

I refuse consent to the orchestrated kidnapping of children, whether through CPS, defense contractors, governments around the world, a well as individual kidnapping.

I refuse consent to deep state pedophilia operations.



I refuse permission to the deep state infiltration of dissenting movements, scientists, doctors, natural health agents, etc.

I refuse permission for deep state agents posing as dissenters.

I refuse permission for deep state controlled opposition.



I refuse permission for deep state electronic surveillance & control grids.

I refuse permission for deep state hypersonic & directed energy injury.

I refuse permission for deep state soul injury.



I refuse permission for deep state propaganda, Satanic reversals, political stunts, psyops, false flags, blackmail operations, entrapment, and other forms of manipulation of humanity.

I refuse consent to dark league entities affecting the US and other governments.

I hereby cancel all spiritual contracts signed by my government on my behalf with such beings.

May the people used for dark league programs, wherever they are, be free.



May the whistleblowers be emboldened and protected.

May those who submit to the deep state break out and be free.

May those cheering persecution by the deep state become aware of their indoctrination, and work instead to overturn the deep state.


God, We Ask and Intend that:

Those who are imprisoned by the deep state are freed and their burdens lifted.

Those who have been assassinated by the deep state and their families are eternally freed from such an assault.

May the sacrifices they have made serve as an immediately completed spiritual contract to overthrow dark establishments.

May they be Blessed with the Grace of God for their service, and live freely.

May each be Blessed tenfold with the Gifts of God for anything they have lost.

God knows who these people are.

May each one of them ask for God's Blessing and Freedom.


Think of any physical prisoners or defendants you would like to see freed, asking that God free them.

Picture them free, and thanking God.

Now think of any people you would like to see freed from the deep state prison in their mind, and ask that God and Jesus reach them with the Truth.

Ask God now, what are any steps you can take in the physical world to help liberate any people imprisoned by the deep state.

In Jesus Name We Pray for the Highest Divine Solution.

Thank you. It Is Done.

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