Invasion of your Mind and Why your Connection with your Soul is so important

1 year ago

We have all been subjected to trauma based mind control - but most people don't realise that. It was designed so that you could give your power away to a controlling force.
Thankfully we were not all affected by it - our Soul Consciousness remains intact and in fact many of us are moving away more and more from that controlling timeline.
The Alien Invasion that was next on their agenda is in fact Artificial Intelligence - plugged so deeply into your mind that you no longer know who you are and become completely controlled by it.
In this video I speak more about how that happens and what you can do about it.

Find details of my Intuitive Reading Special Sessions for March here:

And if you'd like to join me on Zoom for a Q&A about the subjects I talk about in these weekly energy reports, then please DM me for details or comment below and I'll be in touch.

Karen is an Energy and Psycho Spiritual Coach, Soul Purpose Guide, Multidimensional Healer and Teacher.

For over 25 years she has taught all aspects of psychic development, healing, meditation, channelling and mediumship. 

She developed her own modality - Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - in which she blends psycho-spiritual energy work in a very grounded and practical way, so that it works in a modern world.

She is a Lightbody Technology Specialist and maintains direct communication with the Source and the Founding Races of this planet.

She has been a Speaker at Spiritual Festivals and Events around Australia and has conducted mass healing and activations for thousands of people at a time. 

She mostly works with spiritual women, empowering them to become the best version of themselves that they can be by becoming authentic in all aspects of their life and she encourages all of us to uncover our own unique gifts and talents and to share them with the world.



FB Group: Abundant and Successful Women:

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