Defund The Matrix Podcast - Ep. 24

1 year ago

New Episode: Defund The Matrix Podcast

Episode 24: Silicon Valley Bank Goes Woke Goes Broke: A Bank Run or Jog?

Original Show:

(1 hour 55 min 56 seconds)

Show Notes:

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse

Keep your bank balances critically low.

Top bank. Well funded bank.

Stock options

Wells Fargo allowed California to steal $42,000 of Avocado’s money.

SVB is a Commercial Business Bank.

Thursday, March 9: Run on the Bank
Friday, March 10: FDIC takes over.

New Name of SVB: The Depositer Bank of Santa Clara (changed by FDIC)

$42 billion withdrawn on Thursday, March 9th left SCB $1 billion in the hole.

2020 Scamdemic: Global lockdown and stimulus checks

PPP Stimulus Checks (Paycheck Protection)
SBA (Small Business Administration) from the US govt.

2021-2022: Lots of businesses that didn’t require the stimulus loan got the loan because potentially, a business could get away without paying the loan back.

Robert DeNiro took $20 million in stimulus money.

SVB had good banking customer service.

Stimulus money kept SVB loaded with cash.

Taxation is Theft.

Govt and Banks are criminal organizations.

SVB invested in mortgaged backed securities.

Mezzanine or Bridge loan gets you from Point A to Point B (example: $1 million to $10 million)

SVB was woke.

ESG: Environmental Social (corporate) Governance

Tractor Supply (not Harbor Freight!!) in Texas was caught having a drag queen story hour. Morpheus mispoke on the podcast!

Tractor Supply DragQueen Link:

Ordo Ab Chao: Order out of Chaos

One World Govt CBDC Plan is in motion.

Jim Cramer is a disinformation agent. Do the opposite of what he recommends.

SVB looked good on paper until this last week then the Fed drove the interest rates thru the roof.

CBDC’s wrecked Nigeria. Since 2021 the Nigerians have rejected the CBDCs.

Depositers at SVB: Roku, Etsy ,Blockfi, USDC

USDC: Circle (Stable Coin company). Digital Dollar failure possible here. $.91 cents on Friday.

Ethereum founder (Buterin) and the founder of Tron (Sun) both multi-billionaires: (crypto-vigilante has identified this) both Buterin and Sun started to buy USDC in droves yesterday. They basically bailed out USDC.

USDC is #4 or #5 in the world.

CZ from Binance is another multi-billionaire player.

Use XMR (Monero) via CakePay / CakeWallet App

These banks could all disappear this week:

First Republic Bank
Western Alliance Bancorporation
Signature Bank
Pacwest Bancorp

Wells Fargo Bank is in trouble.

These banks are in a stronger position.
Chase Bank
Bank of America

BritCoin (British CBDC)?

ECB (European Central Bank)

$1 to $10 million BTC is possible

Credit Unions could be next in the firing line.

What is the safest bank to use now:
Chase (JP Morgan) is being built into the Meta-Verse.

Jim Cramer is a court jester.

Sycophant: a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage

CyberPlandemic 2024?

Run your own Internet: Mesh Networks.

Ham radio (you can run Internet over ham radio).

Decentralizing Everything

Dominoes are Falling. is getting into the NFT business.

Chainlink (LINK) ties different blockchains together.

Pirate Chain for buying products:

ARRR is now in the The Edge Wallet

Engram Wallet for DERO.

Epic crypto website:

Black Sheep Summit Videos:
These Black Sheep Summit Videos are the perfect way to get prepared for everything that will come in the next few years. With 100+ hours of content on every single topic on the subject of prepping, you will be able to learn everything you need to know to thrive before, during, and after the Great Reset.

Morpheus’ Crypto Picks of the Week.

We are not financial advisors. We are crypto-berserkers. What you do must be the product of your own conclusions.

Feel free to share this show with your friends and family, because this is essential information.

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