March 12, 2023

2 years ago

Exiting edifice, 149 pm, 5B spy at the entrance, this individual assaulted me on Sept 27, 2016, another stalker approaching, spy vehicles, CIA Spectrum van provocation at the hydrant, spy biker, very, very CIA NYPD 4638 ready to intervene in case of incident between me and the Spectrum van would have occurred. The assault on Sept. 27, I couldn’t report it to the NYPD because these spies don’t act alone, law enforcement is always involved, waiting to intervene, not exactly on the victim’s side, the only thing I can do is to make it public. In another instance, when another stalker launched at me a bottle, I went to the 9th precinct to report it, the cops at the front desk became so hostile toward me, refusing to watch the video I had about the incident that I had to leave in a hurry.

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