Introduction to I Peter

1 year ago

We all long for home. For being in the place where we are supposed to be.

Believers are told by Jesus in Scripture that “we are not of this world” (cf. John 15:18-20; 17:13-15).
The Apostle Paul reminds us that our “citizenship is in heaven” (cf. Phil 3:20-21) and that we are really ambassadors of Christ to the world (cf. 2 Cor. 5:20).
That means we are not really citizens of this world. This is not really our home and ultimately this is not where we want to be.
Yet here we are. We are citizens of God’s Kingdom living in a foreign territory.

And this is not only foreign territory, but it is also hostile territory.
As the world system hates and opposes Jesus, so too they will openly hate and oppose His people.
On top of that, we experience the trials and tribulations that come from living in a world that has been cursed by sin.

We live with the consequences of sin. The sins of others and our own sins.
We long to be free from all that evil and suffering. But in the meantime, how should we live?
The Apostle Peter who walked with Jesus, lived for Jesus, and died for Jesus encourages us as we live as “strangers and pilgrims” in this foreign and hostile territory.
He understands that we will face trials and hostility. He understands things are not easy.

He wrote 2 epistles to a group of believers who were scattered throughout the world and faced similar challenges.

In today’s episode, we are beginning a new series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” on I Peter and II Peter.

Let’s get started with an introduction to the book of I Peter.

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