High Protein Wet Dog Food True Instinct Tender Cuts in Dog Food

1 year ago

Nourish your dog's instinct for protein-rich nutrition with Natural True Instinct Tender Cuts in Gravy With Real Beef and Bison adult wet dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This dog food with real beef and real bison combines two high-quality protein sources that are sure to feed your dog's natural taste for adventure. Our recipe supplies 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs, and antioxidants to help support the immune system. This adult dog food gravy formula has 0 percent fillers, which means every ingredient has a purpose. With a nutrient-dense formula, our high protein dog food supplies the nourishment dogs naturally want. Plus, we craft this dog wet food with no poultry by-products and no artificial flavors or preservatives. Give your pal a meal he was born to love when you serve Tender Cuts With Real Beef and Bison dog food in gravy.is veterinarian recommended.

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