1890s Bean Pot: Vegetable Soup

1 year ago

1890s Bean Pot: Vegetable Soup
The Economical Cook Book
Mrs. Jane Warren
6 large onions
6 potatoes
6 carrots
4 turnips
1/2 lb butter
4 quarts water
Sweet herbs
Salt and white pepper
Tomato catsup
Peel and slice six large onions, six potatoes, six carrots and four turnips; fry them in half a pound of butter, and pour on them four quarts of boiling water. Toast a crust of bread as brown and hard as possible, but do not burn it, and put it in, with some celery, sweet herbs, white pepper and salt; stew it all gently for four hours, and then strain it through a coarse cloth. Have ready thinly sliced carrot, celery and a little turnip; add them to your liking, and stew them tender in the soup. If approved of, a spoonful of tomato catsup may be added.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Probably not.
Notes: I had to cut this in half so it would fit in my bean pot and I used less butter. The broth was good but I didn’t like the combinations of the vegetables.

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