Transiting Into The Spring Equinox with Rodney Goodwin | Dissolving The Divide 13

1 year ago

It's with great honor and gratitude to have Rodney back with us for the new season as he gives us his dia-gnosis about the upcoming equinox. Just as with our first discussion with him regarding spiritual alchemy & astro-psychology, astrology- just like Runes, Tarot, and Numerology are not studied and practiced for the sake of divination and profit/prophet/prophecy. These are tools to help us gain deeper insights about ourselves and our placement in the cosmos and in our lives on a daily basis. He came on with us and graced our 3rd episode, now 10 shows later, he's back in a timely matter as we head into the beginning of a new cycle on the cosmic wheel within wheels

Transits, Trines & Conjunctions oh my! This discussion was very provocative and educational without the woo-woo new age wishy-washy daily watered down horoscopic lack of logic.

His youtube channel has great videos that he continues to share his profound knowledge on many important subjects with his forms of expression through music, readings and dissertations. He's quite active on facebook as well, which Leslie & Derek follow and learn from.
all his works and links in one convient place:

She provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation

Derek @AwakenYaMind is involved in several projects & conscious creations, where you can find them on over 7 different platforms

our apologies for the glitches in the video/audio

Thank you for watching

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