MIA POD EP.2 - 'Rejection Is A Chisel For Perfection'. How men should use rejection to become better

1 year ago

Welcome to Ep.2 of the Man In The Arena Podcast. In today's episode, I will be breaking down a video one of my coaching clients sent to me. The video shows a video a young guy made for the girl that broke his heart. I will be going over some advice I would give to this guy to help him get through this hurtful period in order to become a better version of himself. If you are going through something similar and want to come out a better version of yourself, then please do not hesitate to enquire about my coaching services where I coach men on how to get through a divorce, a breakup and loss in a healthiest and masculine way in order to come out the other side a better version of themselves. There is a 40-minute free consultation for new coaching members.

You can contact me via the website: www.maninthearena.blog or on Instagram: @maninthearenablog to find out more.

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