SheinSez #109 Billionaires are demand that ALL banks be fully covered by the US government!

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I was on a twitter space last night listening to all sorts of wealthy people argue as to why the taxpayers should fully back all banks and insure all deposits of any size.
I disagree with them and I will tell you why

Short Sellers Make $500 Million on SVB’s Demise. Collecting Won’t Be Easy

The Demise of Silicon Valley Bank

The fall of Silicon Valley Bank, explained

All the Companies Facing Major Troubles After Silicon Valley Bank Crash

How SVB Was Doomed By a Bad Bet on Mortgage Securities and the Fed’s Rate Hikes
(SVB's mistake was investing in longer-term mortgage securities with more than 10 years to maturity, rather than shorter-maturity Treasuries or mortgage issues maturing in less than five years. This led to an asset/liability mismatch.)

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