War Criminals and Bio Fascists: Global Vaccine Safety Summit 2019

1 year ago

In 2003, Nelson Mandela unleashed as a scathing critique of the United States' decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: "57 years ago, when Japan was retreating on all fronts, they (U.S.) decided to drop the atom bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Killed a lot of innocent people, who are still suffering from the effects of those bomb (sic). Those bomb (sic) were not aimed against the Japanese. They were aimed against the Soviet Union. To say, look, this is the power that we have. If you dare oppose what we do, this is what is going to happen to you. Because they are so arrogant they decided to kill innocent people in Japan who are still suffering from that." Turning to U.S. unilateralism and Bush's plan to invade Iraq, Mandela asked, "Who are they now to pretend that they are the policemen of the world?"

1 December 2019 - The World Health Organization (WHO) will hold a summit on the future of vaccine safety at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday and Tuesday this week. Founded in 1948, the WHO is an arm of the United Nations dedicated to improving global health. According to its website, the organization is made up of "more than 7,000 people from more than 150 countries working in 150 country offices."

"Closed door" videos uncovered by the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) shows key officials and doctors at the December 3, 2019, World Health Organization's Global Vaccine Safety Summit directly contradicting their public claims of vaccine safety and research that proves "the science is settled."

ACTUAL BBC HEADLINE: Could mRNA make us Superhuman?

In Oct 2019 Bill Gates of hell sponsored Event 201.
In Nov 2019 Bill Gates of hell starred in Netflix show "The Next Pandemic" which predicted a coronavirus outbreak
from a Chinese market - Peter Daszak (EcoHealth) co-starred. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11244670/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm

Re: China Genbank Sequences
Importance: High

It's extremely important that we don't have these sequences as part of our PREDICT release to Genbank at this point

Dr. John Campbell
International excess deaths

Adjuvant is an ingredient in a medicine that increases or modifies the efficacy
or potency of certain drugs...

Myopericarditis is an inflammation of both the pericardium and the myocardium of the heart muscle.01 It is usually caused by a viral infection and can be accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and lightheadedness

Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model

People will be 'too scared' of potential vaccine using HIV proteins

The deadly initial Spring 2020 Covid wave
The iatrogenesis hypothesis
Jonathan Engler looked at what had happened in Lombardy, Italy and concluded that many of the “deaths which occurred in the aftermath of the cataclysmic changes to the delivery of healthcare — especially of the frail and elderly — might have been caused by policy, rather than virus.”
Anna Farrow made a similar convincing case that this happened in Canada while @NellyTells
reports it was happening in Spain. Likewise, there has been a long-term concern that excessive use of Midazolam was a contributing factor in the UK and the Daily Mail newspaper reported on it as long ago as July 2020.

Did care homes use powerful sedatives to speed Covid deaths? Number of prescriptions for the drug midazolam doubled during height of the pandemic

Powerful sedative prescriptions doubled at the height of the coronavirus crisis
Prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100% in April
Whistleblowers also claimed to have witnessed misuse of sedatives

he number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths.

Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months.

An anti-euthanasia campaigner last night said he suspected that the spike was evidence that many people had been put on end-of-life protocols or ‘pathways’.

Whistleblowers also claimed to have witnessed misuse of sedatives, with staff told to give them to dementia patients to stop them wandering the corridors.

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., a bioweapons expert
and professor of international law at the University of Illinois who authored the Biological
Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, questioned the timing of these revelations and the overall
conclusions of the intelligence community.

He said:

“My assessment of this situation is that it’s a classic Nixonian limited hangout that finally, for whatever reason, has put out there part of the truth, which is that, yes, COVID-19 leaked out of the Wuhan BSL4 [biosafety level 4], which everyone has been denying now for the last three years.

“But if you note they still deny that it is an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain-of-function properties.”

According to the journal Nature, in BSL4 facilities, “researchers work with fatal pathogens that can spread through aerosols, and for which vaccines or treatments are lacking or limited,” adding that they “require extra security measures.”

Gain-of-function refers to the “manipulation of pathogens to make them more dangerous.”

Boyle told The Defender that he has warned since 2020 that COVID-19 emerged from a lab leak in Wuhan and that the three-year delay in revealing this information resulted in enormous damage globally. He said:

“On Jan. 24, 2020, I sent out a worldwide alert saying that what was later called COVID-19 was an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain-of-function properties that leaked out of the Wuhan BSL4. Since then, just about most sources have come around to agree with that — I would say objective sources.

“But the problem is this, as I see it: this truth should have been told immediately, not three years later, because it would have fundamentally altered how we have dealt with this pandemic that has now killed 1.5 million Americans and maybe 20 million people, human beings, all over the world.”

“We’ve lost an incalculable number of human lives, certainly here in the United States and around the world, because of the lies and the cover-up and the disinformation as to what is going on here,” Boyle added.

Boyle said that three years of denial regarding the Wuhan lab leak theory has been “criminal.” He told The Defender:

“It’s a terrible tragedy and it is a crime both under international law. It’s a crime against humanity and certainly under U.S. domestic law. This is murder and conspiracy to commit murder for everyone involved.

“I’ve launched a campaign to get the ringleaders here indicted in the United States for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and I will continue with that campaign. And I think as more evidence comes out, we’ll hopefully be seeing some indictments.”

During this period, COVID-19 vaccines were developed and administered. Boyle believes that the course of events may have been different had the lab leak theory, and the idea that COVID-19 is a biological weapon, been accepted earlier. He said:

“There was no way anything that Big Pharma created — a vaccine — was going to be either ‘safe’ or ‘effective.’ We have had no evidence to believe that any vaccine has been safe or effective when it comes to a biological warfare weapon, let alone with gain-of-function properties.

“And so, I regret to say that all the evidence since then has proven me correct that these so-called ‘vaccines’ — I call them ‘Franken shots’ because I don’t think they’re entitled to the word ‘vaccine’ — are either safe or effective.”

He did not express much confidence in the Congressional committees currently investigating COVID-19. He said the hearings that have already taken place were not promising because they endorsed the “wet market” theory — that COVID-19 jumped from animals to humans — and added:

“I’m afraid that some of the members of Congress — I’m not going to impugn anyone’s integrity — can easily be bought off by Big Pharma campaign contributions to them.

“I think it’s really up to the American people to insist on the truth here, and it is up to independent news media sources to try to dig the truth out of here … because the mainstream news media, as you can tell for the last three years, has been completely bought off by Big Pharma.”


Nobel Prize Winning Scientist: Coronavirus was leaked from a Chinese laboratory and has HIV DNA

Host:I’m not sure, I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. You mean, in this virus, there’s a bit of HIV.

Doctor Luc Montagnier: That’s it. The genetic material of the virus is a long ribbon of RNA, correct?
Like DNA, except it’s RNA and in this long ribbon at a certain place someone placed a small
sequences of HIV and this small sequence isn’t small like insignificant; they have the possibility
of modifying, for example, something called antigenic sites. So that means, if we want to make a vaccine,
we can very well modify the protein for the vaccine by adding a small sequence from another virus.


Lancet Study Confirms Plummeting Vaccine Effectiveness

Unlearned AIDS Lessons for Covid
In the 1980s, Fauci and Redfield sowed fear about a heterosexual epidemic that never happened.

Scientists add some bizarre things to vaccines, such as aluminium and extracts from shark livers.
Many vaccines simply don’t work without them – but no one knows why.
The most commonly used adjuvant on the planet is aluminium. The chemical is found in the majority of vaccines,
including the diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (DTP) vaccine, as well as those that protect against
hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HPV, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis B, anthrax, pneumococcus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b.

Other popular adjuvants include squalene, an oily substance made from shark livers, and extracts from the bark of
the quillaja tree, which has traditionally been used by the Andean Mapuche people to make soap as its bark can be powdered and
mixed with water to form a lather. The newest additions – which haven’t yet been licensed – are perhaps the strangest of all, such as the
disembodied tails of bacteria and “bacterial ghosts”, made from their empty skins.

Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated
Delta variant blamed for rise in viral load as study suggests fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on virus as non-immunised

Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS
Although mass vaccination programs have resulted in the eradication of a number of human infectious diseases, vaccine
contamination has been a persistent concern. In particular, it is now known that the early polio vaccines were contaminated
with at least one monkey virus, SV40. The transfer of monkey viruses to man via contaminated vaccines is particularly relevant
to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), since the causative agent of AIDS, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is
thought to be derived from a simian precursor virus. Furthermore, human infection with this virus appears to be a relatively
recent event. We hypothesize that the AIDS pandemic may have originated with a contaminated polio vaccine that was administered
to inhabitants of Equatorial Africa from 1957 to 1959. The mechanism of evolution of HIV from this vaccine remains to be determined.

Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies

Professor Edward J (Ted) Steele | ⁣The Origins of C -19 & Why Vaccines Don't Work | Asia Pacific Today
Asia Pacific Today, Mike Ryan, Professor Edward J (Ted) Steele, September 21 2021.

⁣The Origins of Covid-19 & Why Vaccines Don't Work. Asia Pacific Today. September 21, 2021.
Professor Edward J (Ted) Steele is a molecular and cellular immunologist, geneticist and microbiologist and the author
of six books and over 100 scientific research papers.

He conducted research and taught at the Australian National University’s John Curtin School of Medical Research and worked
at The University of Toronto’s Ontario Cancer Institute, The Welcome Trust in the UK and The University of Wollongong.
Professor Steele is a C.Y. O’Connor Foundation Life Fellow and currently lives and works in Melbourne consulting in
cancer research and other areas of biomedical biotech R&D.

Professor Steele’s scientific background in molecular immunology and microbiology and his expertise in dimeric secretory IgA antibodies and immunity at mucosal surfaces such as the mouth, nose , respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts qualifies him to comment both on the performance of new “vaccines” for Covid-19 as well as on the origin Covid-19. These subjects will be in explored in a special series on Asia Pacific Today.

Link for lecture: https://youtu.be/Ijc4mjiIquk

Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day

Tech & Science
More Than 800 Million Viruses Fall Through the Skies Every Day in a Single Square Meter

"VTE is a condition in which a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in a leg, arm or groin, and may travel to the
lungs causing a blockage of the blood supply, with possible life-threatening consequences," the agency wrote in its meeting highlights.

It is recommending that the condition be listed as a rare side effect.

The agency also recommends that immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) be listed as a side effect of the J&J vaccine and AstraZeneca's vaccine.

ITP is a bleeding disorder in which "the immune system mistakenly targets blood cells called platelets that are needed
for normal blood clotting," the agency wrote.

Nelson Mandela's arrest in 1962 came as a result of a tip-off from an agent of the US Central Intelligence Agency

Hillary Clinton, the former US diplomat, has been chosen as the Chancellor of Northern Ireland’s Queen’s University in Belfast. However, her entrance during her installation ceremony saw cheers, applause and chants of "war criminal".

Bush just admitted to being a war criminal of the likes of Vladimir Putin, then laughed. Sickening." The infamous tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom said: "Finally the mass murdering war criminal, former U.S. President George W. Bush, admits his war crimes"

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world...#ClassWar #AntiWar #BDS @hatethemachine

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