Gain-of-function to 2019-nCoV for effective spreading in the human population - Francis Boyle

1 year ago

Spike Glycoprotein from Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade. “may provide a gain-of-function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population compared to other lineage b betacoronaviruses”

Spike Glycoprotein from Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Indiana - drafted the Biological Weapons Act of 1989. He regards 2019-nCoV / Covid-19 as an 'Offensive Biological Weapon', which no - legitimate - scientific or medical reason has for the use of gain-of-function (GOF) technology.

Transcript: There was a recent scientific study published in Antiviral Research 10 February, 2020. By 3 scientists from France and one from Montreal who did a genetic analysis of the Wuhan coronavirus and they said, quote;

"It may provide a - Gain-of-function - of 2019 Coronavirus for effective spreading in the human population, compared to other viruses".

Let me repeat; "May provide a - gain-of-function - for 2019 Coronavirus for effective spreading in the human population, compared to other lineages of coronavirus".

That’s the smoking gun for an offensive biological warfare agent - the gain-of-function properties, is a tip off.. It's only useful for offensive biological warfare activity and it's typically conducted in either, it's so dangerous, either in BSL-4 or BSL-3 facility.



Gain-of-function til 2019-nCoV for effektiv spredning i den menneskelig befolkning

Spike Glykoprotein fra Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Indeholder et furin lignende spaltningssted fraværende i CoV af samme klade. “Kan give en Gain-of-function til fordel for 2019-nCoV for effektiv spredning i den menneskelige befolkning, sammenlignet med andre afstamninger af b betacoronavira”

Spike Glykoprotein fra Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Professor Francis Boyle fra Indiana Universitet - udarbejdede loven om Biologiske Våben fra 1989. Han betragter 2019-nCoV / Covid-19 som et ‘Offensivt Biologisk Våben’, som ingen - legitim - videnskabelig eller medicinsk grund, har for anvendelse af gain-of-function (GOF) teknologi.

DK transcript: "Der var en nylig videnskabelig undersøgelse offentliggjort i Antiviral Forskning 10 Februar, 2020. Af 3 forskere fra Frankrig og en fra Montreal, der foretog en genetisk analyse af Wuhan coronavirus og de sagde, citat;

“Det kan give en - Gain-of-function - af 2019 Coronavirus for effektiv spredning i den menneskelige befolkning, sammenlignet med andre virus”.

Lad mig gentage; “Kan give en - gain-of-function - til 2019 Coronavirus for effektiv spredning i den menneskelige befolkning, sammenlignet med andre afstamninger af coronavirus”.

Det er den rygende pistol for et offensivt biologisk våben - gain-of-function egenskaberne er et tip om, at det kun er nyttigt til offensiv biologisk krigsførelses aktivitet og det udføres typisk i enten, det er så farligt, enten i BSL-4 eller BSL-3 faciliteter."


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