15 Min Full Body Energizing Morning Yoga Practice

1 year ago

This 15-minute full body energizing morning yoga video is perfect for starting your day off on the right foot. The practice is designed to awaken your body and mind, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized.

The video begins with Mountain Pose, where you'll stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. From there, you'll move into Forward Fold, Sun Salutation A, and Warrior Poses. The video also includes Triangle Pose and a few rounds of Cat-Cow Pose to stretch and strengthen your back.

Throughout the practice, you'll be encouraged to breathe deeply and mindfully, syncing your movements with your breath. The instructor will offer modifications and variations for each pose, allowing you to tailor the practice to your own body and level of experience.

The video ends with a brief Savasana, where you'll lie on your back with your eyes closed and allow your body and mind to fully relax. By the end of the practice, you'll feel energized and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day may bring.

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