Who Is Kanel Joseph? #Shorts

2 years ago

Who Is Kanel Joseph? #Shorts
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Kanel Joseph is a content creator who got his start on YouTube by ripping off other people’s “Minecraft” videos as a young kid and never really found his way until much more recently when he transformed into a prankster and comedian over the course of the past year or so. But just because he’s now stumbled upon his magic formula for success doesn’t mean that everything has suddenly become easy. Far from it, in fact. As recently as just a few months ago, he was arrested and charged with a felony while shooting a new prank -- and as harrowing of an experience as that no doubt was, somehow Kanel simply took it in stride. From getting fired by Wal-Mart to surviving out of his car, this young man has gone to great lengths to make something of himself by following his dream

Kanel Joseph | Before They Were Famous: https://youtu.be/PzYqlq5h4WU

#Shorts #KanleJoseph #BeforeTheyWereFamous #Pranks #Prank #JiDion #Bio #Biography #BeforeFame #BeforeTheFame

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