Live Chat with Paul; -117- Corbells Leaked Missile is a flop + other UFO topics + Secureteam UAPs

1 year ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Tyler Mex Balloons + Cahill Drone
footage of a Jet + Corbells disinfo Leaked video of a cruise missile
[00:02:00] (1c) Paul talks about his health and google while waiting
for people to show up
[00:10:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - First Up Corbell Leaks alleged UFO footage
to UKrag.. why? Paul Breaks it down but first tries to find the animated gif
stephen Greenstreet did of the 6 images again no video of it.. so less quality.
[00:17:45] (2b) Paul plays the animated frames zooming in and discussing it.
[00:19:20] (2c) Paul grabs the last frame to see if can enhance it like
the 3rd frame he did that shows more details after the missile UAP
[00:34:00] (2d) Look at Scott Brownes images of cruise missile and Pauls matches
[00:39:00] (2e) Paul thinks its a heat contrail colored by BW mode of FLIR
not ghosting as some claim.. brings up a anigif of his enhancmenets.
[00:52:30] (2f) GabberBeastTV joins on side voice to chip-in on the live
debunk Live show.
[01:14:00] (3) Sean Cahills UAP claims filmed by him via a Drone at
Luis Elizondo's Ranch
[01:18:00] (3b) Look at the poor quality Drone footage now
[01:25:00] (3c) Paul and Gab try to pin the location and mountain
from the LIZ low info zone video. but Paul finds out another LUE wasnt
the one location of WI.. not knowing he was after WY state LOL
[01:44:00] (3d) Paul and Gab prove its not a NO FLY ZONE but could
be for Drones only.
[02:05:00] (3e) Model Plane Clubs
[02:15:00] (3f) still trying to pin airports near mountain Paul looks over a reddit post
deleted cos of doxxing claim
[02:19:00] (2G) Paul lets gabber share his screen as faster computer for
flight path research
[02:42:00] (2h) Gabber looks for flight paths parallel to mountains use way back
player as we dont know date and time of event as flight paths will be general
and nails some very close examples and clearly lies about No FLY Zone!
[02:53:24] (2i) Paul thinks this could be the plane.. A Cessna Skyhawk brand.
and might change mind on a 737.
[03:00:00] (2j) Paul finished off with his enhance and possible plane shape
[03:03:00] (3) Paul now breaks down Secureteam 10s latest BS alleged UFO
and will prove they are all explained.. from balloons birds and one being CGI
[03:08:00] (3b) Tyler has never seen WHAT? a Mexican Globlo Ilama Feastive Balloon
well why needs to follow real researchers like Scott and myself so he can learnt
but I think hes just BSing and knows! what a shill and fake hoaxer he is still.
[03:21:00] (3c) Who are these Fans of Tyler making lame comments about his
BSing balloons and birds?
[03:27:00] (3d) Paul thinks this one is CGI using static image of a Mexican Church
[03:50:00] (3e) Next video is it a long exposure motion blur of a bird? Paul says yes!
[04:04:00] (3f) Paul says this one is 100 percent Falcon diving on prey
[04:20:34] (4) Wrap up with UFOofInterest exposing CGI fakes

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage FAIR USE

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