Highly Recommend Practical Christian YouTube Channel; A Gifted Young Believer from South Africa

1 year ago

March 09, 2023
Highly Recommend Practical Christian YouTube Channel; A Gifted Young Believer from South Africa

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(2) Practical Christian - YouTube

It's not often we Saints get to cross paths with other Saints who are young and have given wisdom beyond their years. I have had the great pleasure of meeting this outstanding young man who loves the Lord having come out of witchcraft and Islam and now has a passion to call upon his nation and people to come to Jesus. His insight applies to all of us who are in pain and struggling as we wait for our Blessed Hope of Redemption. I urge the few subscribers I have to subscribe to Muzi and follow his channel.

God bless you. Even so Come Soon Dear Jesus, Amen, Maranatha!

Each video with my commentary:

Outstanding study. Thank you Sir. I felt like I just walked out of a 2-hour lecture in Bible, Spirituality, Anthropology, History, and Cultural studies of not only the continent of Africa, but the world as a whole. What a blessing to have met you Brother. Having come out of a family of alcoholics, myself an alcoholic saved by God's grace on December 5, 2001, after a lifetime of functioning as a high-level functioning alcoholic, having destroyed my life and my adult children, I can say your knowledge far exceeds your young age. I am going to share your study with all I know, and I pray young people the world over, especially in the case of your country Africa can have eyes opened. Judgment comes soon. Maranatha!

Amen! Brother. Outstanding preaching! Thank you for equipping and encouraging The Saints. We are suffering, but our promise is sure:

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians
4:17,18 KJB.
And you make it clear to the unbelievers,...the Profound Question... What are you going to do now?

Amen! Maranatha! Dear Brother and mighty servant of the Lord, I don't know if anyone who watches this video realizes what is happening here in your preaching, but this is beyond a WAKE-UP CALL,... Way, Way, Beyond... What you've done comes straight out of Jeremiah crying out, like John the Baptist crying out. The voice crying from the WILDERNESS to REPENT. Jesus is COMING to take his Bride very soon and for those who are playing church it will be a smack down wakeup like never before. I pray these people in Africa and in the entire world actually can find Jesus, the REAL Jesus and NOT another Jesus - the Antichrist. Brother this is a very sobering, powerful and terrifying study you have here. Had to stop this video several times, pause and reflect in prayer. Thank you. I am blogging your work - YouTube video - Rumble and any other form of social media I have left (I got booted from FB 10 years ago and Twitter began censoring until I left....Google has now started deleting my Blogs because it says I violate hate speech for speaking out against the apostate church and its L T G Plus agenda. And yes, I will and do strongly recommend you to anyone who will listen. Sadly, there are very few out there. Because just like Jeremiah's day "they DON'T WANT TO HEAR. They want us to shut up, but just like Moses, God has commanded us to get out there and even though Pharoah's heart was hardened by God, God wanted Pharaoh and the people of Egypt to HEAR THE VOICE of the Lord through His servants. God bless you and strengthen you.

People WAKE UP TIME IS SHORT. The Gospel is Christ died on the Cross for our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried, and he rose the third day according to the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB. Amen Maranatha!

Disclaimer: Brother Muzi, uses the KING JAMES BIBLE. In this video he had a NKJV reference.

Powerful! Thank you Brother. A must hear for the Saints, especially the young. I pray others hear this and share far and wide. I will be sharing your channel on my Blog and Social media. Thank you again. God bless you. Maranatha!

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