Bill Gates Gives Ted Talk on Lowering Carbon Emissions by Lowering the Human Population

1 year ago

Bill Gates hosted a Ted Talk (yes, the prestigious organization who brought you a pedophile apologist promoting the notion that attraction to minors is another normal sexual preference), stating the most pressing issue facing the world is climate change and the most effective way to curb it is population control through "reproductive health care and vaccines."

Note: Bill Gates Sr. was uead of Planned Parenthood and not only was Jr. at the helm of the vaccination program during covid, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation got in trouble previously in Africa and India when their polio vaccines led to a massive wave of death, disfigurement and infertility.

#nwo, #illuminati, #freemasonry, #globalism, #wef, #greatreset, #agenda21, #agenda2030, #depopulation, #populationcontrol, #eugenics, #pedogate, #saveourchildren, #psyop, #media, #brainwashing, #mkultra, #mindcontrol, #indoctrination, #socialconditioning, #covid, #pharmakeia, #vaxx, #jab, #mRNA, #killshot, #billgates, #fauci, #rockefeller, #johnshopkins, #pfizer, #moderna, #medicaltyranny, #climatechange, #greennewdeal, #buildbackbetter, #ww, #wwiii, #chemtrails, #5G, #crt, #racism, #alexjoneswasright, #usa, #1984now, #1776now, #awakenotwoke, #spiritualawakening, #greatreawakening, #awake,

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