2 years ago

IFERROR is an easy and organized way to trap and handle formula errors . Watch this video to see how this is being done.

Sometimes, your formula returns an error. There are various types of errors such as:
-When you try to divide a number by zero
-When you use a VLOOKUP function and the value is not available
-An error when a formula refers to a cell that’s not valid
-A calculation error
-An error when the formula cannot recognize something in it like if you used the wrong formula name

If you don’t want such errors to appear in your spreadsheet or report, Excel can return or display a friendly message as an alternative to notify about the error. The IFERROR function can help you with it. It’s an elegant way to trap and manage errors without using more complicated nested IF statements. IFERROR function returns a custom result when a formula generates an error, and if no error is detected, it simply returns the standard result of the formula.

Title: IFERROR - The Structured Way to Handle Errors in Excel


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