38 Tau Net: Evolving Digital Identity (example)💎#shorts #taunet #agoras #worldviews

2 years ago

Examples of Just say it AI incorporating Worldviews

Example: “I want to see users that think like X”

User: I want to see everyone who thinks like Warren Buffet on economics and disagrees with Steve on climate change.

Tau Net AI: Can show information and users based on knowledge users hold within the system.

Note: For example, users can query which users are interested in similar questions and outcomes as them, which users have certain opinions and knowledge, or even which users disagree on anything. This opens up possibilities for discoveries, finding people, global discussion, research, business, recruiting, dating, and more. Users only have to express themselves once and their opinion can automatically be reflected across the network.

#JustSayItAI #Worldviews #TauNet #KnowledgeRepository #Opinions #DiversePerspectives #GlobalDiscussion #FindYourTribe #Discoveries #Recruiting #Dating #Business #Research

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