Why You Shouldn't Take Russell Brand Seriously

2 years ago

A listener calls to discuss why people shouldn't take Russell Brand's politics seriously.

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Yeah, I was just going to say that Russel Brand in 2015 urged people not to vote either for labor or the Tories saying that it didn't matter. and after that Miliband, the party leader met with him and he changed his mind. The guys always give both sides equivalents. And you know it's been a long time coming from him. So I would encourage people not to take him too seriously. Yeah, I think that whole point with Miliband was revealing. Like he's he he he sort of gravitates towards this apolitical all sides are the same because it matters man. Which is like a real tendency that I think people like Jimmy Dore and stuff speak to. And I do think genuinely like he's a guy who I guess what they call it signed on in the UK. Like he used the benefit of the beneficiary of welfare policies. Wasn't rich growing up as far as I understand. So he does have some like he'll side with Corbyn and Sanders right? Like that is genuinely where his certain glass sympathies lie. But he's in this audio in this sort of podcast World, an audience world where he's playing to his worst sort of impulses. appreciate the call. And I will also add that you know one of the things that you don't have to do if you're convinced that both sides are exactly the same and they're all bad. You don't have to do [ __ ]. You don't have to read. You don't have to think about this stuff it is completely knee-jerk. it is completely knee-jerk. You can sit there and say you know a statistic: fifty thousand people die a year because they don't have health insurance. But you also then have the ability to completely ignore the fact that like six hundred thousand more people just got health insurance because of a tiny little provision that we never even really contemplated in the American Rescue Act. Like you know both those things you can sort of ignore one of them because you don't really care. At the end of the day, you don't really care. And if you want to make an accelerationist argument based upon some type of revolutionary principles that you have you know make it. but make it explicit. How many people have to die to convince people that people shouldn't die. And also cite some examples as to why you think that's going to work. The accelerationist argument was why Donald Trump was going to be so helpful to everybody. and you can go back to the debate that I did with Jimmy Dore at that time. Only because that's you know but I was making this argument throughout that entire summer. I've been through this before. I've been through it since Reagan. I've been through it after Bush. And if the best you're getting after two terms of George W Bush was Barack Obama you weren't going to get much better after Donald Trump. Biden was marginally better than I thought it would be frankly. but I think it'd be garbage. and it just doesn't work that way. Or I haven't let me put it this way all the evidence I've seen is it works the other way.

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