Who is the head of the Round Table? | Cecil Rhodes & The Round Table Group

1 year ago

Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902, South African financier, British statesman
and industrialist, who wanted to make Africa a “British dominion from
the Cape to Cairo”), with the financial support of Nathaniel Mayer
Rothschild (1840-1915) and Alfred Beit, was able to control the
diamond mines of South Africa with his DeBeers Consolidated Mines
Limited, by buying out the French Diamond Co. and then merging with
the Barnato Diamond Mining Company. He eventually controlled the
production of diamonds throughout the world. His Consolidated Gold
Fields was also a prosperous gold mining operation. He made $5
million annually.
In 1877, while still studying at Oxford (it took him 8 years because of
having to run the diamond mines), he wrote the first of seven wills, in
which each became a separate and legally binding document. It called
for the establishment of a “secret society with but one object– the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole
uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United
States, (and) for ... making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”
Frank Aydelotte, a founding member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, and the American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees, wrote
in his book, American Rhodes Scholarships: “In his first will Rhodes
states his aim still more specifically: ‘The extension of British rule
throughout the world ... the foundation of so great a power as to
hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of
humanity’.” When he died, his third will, drafted in 1888, called for the
establishment of a trust, run by his son-in-law Lord Rosebery, a
Rothschild agent, to administer his fortune. His seventh and last will,
named Rothschild the administrator of his estate, and established an
educational grant known as the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford
University (which was controlled by the Fabians). The Scholarships
provided a two-year program for young men, and later, women, from
the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, to carry on the
Illuminati conspiracy.

Rhodes, Cecil John (1853–1902), English imperialist, financier, and mining magnate. Cecil Rhodes founded and controlled the British South Africa Company, which acquired Rhodesia and Zambia as British territories. He founded the Rhodes scholarships.
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Who is the head of the Round Table?
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