Standup Comedy is dying or already dead IMO (clip from episode 147 of 'a guy in his room')

1 year ago

Standup Comedy is dying or already dead IMO (clip from episode 147 of 'a guy in his room')

IMO Standup being the 'tell it like it is while being funny' is just completely dead at this point. You have big comedians with huge platforms like Chapelle being physically attacked on stage and venues cancelling his shows for his opinions. The era of free speech is gone, cancel culture is still reigning supreme. I don't see how anyone could argue the opposite. Ideology is ruining everything, not just standup, but I keep seeing people saying "standup is gonna save us from the woke cancel culture BS' No it isn't.

#standupcomedy #trevornoah #pccomedy #cancelculture #chappelle #chrisrock #willsmith #woke #outrage #ideology #louieck #metoo #aguyinhisroom #podcast

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