DTTV 145 – Canadian Lawyer Discusses if Defending Your Home During a Home Invasion is Self Defence…

1 year ago

Recently in Milton Ontario a young man was charged with second-degree murder; his crime? Defending himself and his mother from home invaders and using a firearm to do so. So, I thought it was a good time to do a review of Canada’s defence law.

This site and its information are not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Please consult a lawyer for advice about your individual situation. Feel free to get in touch by email or phone.

Phone: (519) 569-7016
Email: DontTalkTV@protonmail.com

Now on Spotify – http://bit.ly/3TaXrLV

Links, Resources, & More…

Link A - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/milton-man-shooting-1.6755603

Link B - https://lois-laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-34.html

Don't Talk TV Episode 18: Self Defence Part 1 - https://youtu.be/8-pUg2p7vv0

Don't Talk TV Episode 19: Self Defence Part 2 - https://youtu.be/EB6Dn0P3lpM

Thumbnail - Photo by Byron Sullivan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-man-firing-pistol-in-shooting-range-4406965/

Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special thank you to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://ramdesigngroupinc.ca/) for his public relations, editing, and promotional services.

#SelfDefence #HomeInvasion #CanadianLaw

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