From A swat ! NAZI's & Your Next!

2 years ago

Another Fake form like all THE rest showing you they are all just fake forms no one can write From a phone call saying he said!!!!! and then you all 10 machine guns deep go in to an on air live feed !!!!! THE door was open THE swatter had been calling in threatening on the show he told you I was saying things !! You got a paper for the swatter not me I would ask how the hell you did this except I have good reason to believe this form is fake as well as all the others!! Now what is my responsibility to the children & the truth My God ! Considering . Now my God Knows THE Children Know what you Do & They do not care !! I can not even Report THE Events because they want TO make sure they can compartmentalize , well I cannot Do that Rick Walker!! I have to do everything Out in the open I do not have your luxury of people needing no evidence whatsoever before they will believe or pay any attention , He is Rick , " First E-Mail Me in Private so i can Scare or Threaten you ! Like anyone with the actual Truth , from God who having nothing But his Love & Truth am not going to stop I am for the Children! I just want you all to know I was Abused and Hurt By many THE adults & this is how they do it every one who is abused by THE Police & THE Doctors Knows This see I get My disability for medical malpractice over years & years that is what they designate it as!!

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