Dr. Fauci's personal and financial relationship with Dr. Wang Yan-Yi, the General Director of Wuhan

1 year ago

🔥🔥Prince Li @PrinceLi, a member of the New Federal State of China on the [STINCHFIELD TONIGHT] show:

💥"If the U.S. government and the Congress really want to find out the origin of the CCP virus, I suggest that the U.S. Congress and the government investigate Dr. Fauci's personal and financial relationship with Dr. Wang Yan-Yi, the General Director of Wuhan Institute of Virology... They have a very intimate relationship!"
#NFSC #UScongress #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #WIV #Fauci #WangYanYi #TakeDownTheCCP #FollowTheMoney

🔥🔥【双语字幕高清版】小王子在[STINCHFIELD TONIGHT]节目谈论美国政府如何调查中共病毒起源:

#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #美国国会 #中共病毒 #病毒起源 #病毒追责 #武毒所 #福奇 #王延轶 #灭共

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