🌟 God's Divine Image is Being Destroyed By the COVID mRNA Bio Weapons ~ Is This the Mark of the Beast?

1 year ago

Narrated by Christine Beadsworth
This video connects the dots with regards to Genetic Modification, CRISPR Technology, LUCIFERase, Spike Proteins, Graphene Oxide, and the 666 Mark of the Beast. Once you are a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), you are thus patented property of Big Pharma, your body is sending out a Bluetooth Frequency, that connects you to the Internet of Things, also known as THE BEAST SYSTEM and SKYNET. You are no longer a HOMOSAPIEN, but rather you are now a HOMOBORGENISUS (aka BORG like in the Star Trek Movies). Furthermore, the jab causes a double helix, 144,000 cells become a triple helix consisting of 216,000 cells; 216,000 equals 600x60x6, 666, as examples by the deceased queen Elizabeth in a ceremony where a triple helix lights up the tree of wisdom. So many "RELIGIOUS" people that said they WILL/WOULD NEVER take the Mark of the Beast lined up like Sheep going into a slaughter house and did just exactly what they said they would never do. Enjoy this SPIRITUALITY dot connecting video concerning the Covid-19 Mark of the Beast, bioweapon injections.
More than half of the world's population (estimated at around 65 to 70%) has now taken the Covid-19 mRNA gene altering injections. Numerous Doctors have come out and clearly stated it is NOT A VACCINE and STOP CALLING IT A VACCINE. Most people that took the jab did so by giving their consent. The only people that did not give consent and were forced were small children forced by their parents or the elderly that were forcibly injected in the nursing homes. Even the military had a choice, 250,000 of them did say "HELL NO". The unvaxxed trueblood military (that were kicked to the curb) will be badly needed since all of those that took the Mark and survived so far are sadly, damaged goods now with a much shorter USE BY END DATE. They could not order the vaxx to be taken since it was labeled "experimental", and thus they can't even use the old saying I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Those that took the jab to get a retirement check will likely never live long enough to even collect it, and those that do actually get to collect that retirement check will likely never get to enjoy it because of vaccine injuries and/or a much shortened lifespan. The people that took the jab in lieu of being fired, or to use a particular hospital, or to be able to travel, etc. were COERCED not FORCED and thus DID USE THEIR FREE WILL TO GIVE CONSENT. People did not receive disclosure of ingredients, side effects, or dangers before or at the time of injection, and thus should have never agreed to the so-called experimental procedure. Especially, since it was well proven throughout the later 9 months of 2020, before the jab was even available to the very first people, that the so-called Covid-19 virus was not a real thing. Even the government was saying you had a 99.8% chance of survival without any type of interventions (hospital or injection), which is the normal Flu recovery stats that come out every year during the so-called Cold & Flu Season.
Video source: Sergeant Major on Bitchute
🛑 Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com
🛑 Alternative Health and Healing Blog:
🛑 "The Cancer/Parasite Connection" ~ This is HUGE! https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/the-cancer-parasite-connection-and-treatments-including-detox/
🛑 Dr. Christina Rahm Discusses Her “ROOT Brands” Products That Help With Detoxing the Deadly COVID Vaccine Ingredients Such As the Spike Proteins, Graphine Oxide and Heavy Metals. Great informative video on the Root Brand products: https://rumble.com/v1m9a0c–dr.-christina-rahm-discusses-her-root-brands-products-that-help-with-detox.html
ROOT Brands Link: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd
🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko's Detox Product For People Who Have Had the Vaccine – It’s Called Z-Dtox. Children's Gummies Are Now Available.
⭐️ Dr. Zelenko Also Has an Awesome Flu Product Called Z-Flu, You Can Find All Products Here: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=lxoi8kWFn8tvph
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🛑 High Quality Immune Boosting Products: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/high-quality-immune-support-and-wellness-products/
🛑 High Quality Full Body Detox and Cleansing Products
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♥️ Great Article on Dog Gut Health: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/03/08/probiotics-for-happy-and-healthy-dogs/
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