Tepezcohuite Skincare

2 years ago

Ancient skin rejuvenation remedy from Mayan Magic Soaps - Tepezcohuite!

Harness the power of natural vitamins, fatty acids, and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce signs of aging, repair skin damage, and prevent future issues.

Experience the blissful benefits of this ancient ingredient - perfect for facial toners and masks, soaps, lip balms, and body scrubs! Or any our products at Mayan Magic Soaps! Tepezcohuite is our key ingredient in everything we make!

- Reduce signs of aging

- Repair skin damage

- Prevent future issues

- Improve skin elasticity

- Even out discoloration

- Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

- Acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea

Mayan Magic Face Toner to balance ph and shrink pores.

Mayan Magic Face Serum during the day, twice a day.

Mayan Magic Night Cream to keep your face moisturized throughout the entire night and wake up with a fresh glow!


#mayanmagicsoaps #crueltyfree #byebyewrinkles #foreveryoung #glowingskin #antiaging #clearskin #healthyskin #superingredients #mhrb #mimosa #mimosahostilis #mimosahostilisskincare

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