The Liberal Party's race to rock bottom

1 year ago

I have been listening to former Liberal Party hacks like Warren Kinsella decrying how radical the party has become and call for a return to the centre (whatever that may mean). In a recent article in the Toronto Sun entitled “MY LATEST: JUDGE JUSTIN” Kinsella writes, “You can’t judge yourself. More specifically, you’re not allowed to decide – or control, or influence – a case in which you are one of the main players. In law, that’s as basic as it gets. The Bible says we can and should judge ourselves, yes. It’s in 2 Corinthians 13:5, where it goes on about “testing yourself” and “examining yourself.” But that’s not the law. The law is quite clear: no one is permitted to stand in judgment of themselves. In law, it is a principle that has been around for centuries. There’s even a Latin phrase for it: “Nemo iudex in causa sua.” That essentially means “no one should be a judge in their own cause”. It’s an ancient principle of what is called natural law – the unchanging moral principles that serve as the basis governing all human conduct. Natural laws are considered so fundamental they cannot ever be debated. In Canada, the notion that no one should have the power to judge themselves is seen in section 21 of the Conflict of Interest Act. That law reads: “A public office holder shall recuse himself or herself from any discussion, decision, debate or vote on any matter in respect of which he or she would be in a conflict of interest.” The “public office holder,” here, is one Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The “discussion or debate,” here, is the interference of China in Canada’s federal elections in 2019 and 2021.”
Has Kinsella forgotten that a downhill slide begins at the top of a slope and proceeds further downward as every inch of high ground is given way due to the very force of gravity causing the descent? The LPC has for decades led a fanatical race down said slope toward the lowest common denominator. They are the political party largely responsible for waging war on competence itself. Therefore, the very folks who started the downhill slide are now complaining where the race to the bottom is taking them. The fact that they are complaining about what they began exhibits arrogance and a total lack of self-awareness on their part. And people like Kinsella are responsible for the demise of their own party!

“The principles of the British Constitution do not admit of that slavery which Christianity condemns. The moment I assume the Government of Upper Canada under no modification will I assent to a law that discriminates by dishonest policy between natives of Africa, America, or Europe.” — John Graves Simcoe, Address to the Legislative Assembly
D.I.E. recreates the very prejudices that John Graves Simcoe sought to address 232 years ago in 1791 even as it affords unconstitutional powers to the State to engage in policies that damage the Rule of Law while vilifying that portion of the population who have been here longest. Since those who are engaging in these policies are lawyers like Kinsella they are obviously as aware as I am of the damage one does to our heritage and inheritance by mischaracterising and alienating substantial portions of the population who value our sacred institutions and do not want to see them corrupted by radical identity politics.
Return to the centre? Let me be absolutely clear, since we have descended into a chasm with a rapidity which leaves me dizzy by what means are we to scale back up a slope so steep that rappelling ropes, climbing gear and mountaineering training would be required to scale back up the rocky face of ruin without causing an avalanche which will cast us even further into the depths of WOKE insanity? The values espoused by John Graves Simcoe are the very values which built this land. They exist in complete contradiction to the values being espoused by the current executive branch under Trudeau and most parliamentarians. If we cannot manage to utterly reverse the ideological attack on the very principles which created Magna Carta, English Common Law, and the Westminster Parliamentary System then Canada will soon become utterly unrecognizable and completely unreconcilable with remaining a proper constitutional democracy.

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