Clinton associate Ron Brown's 1996 plane crash with a bullet hole in head

1 year ago

April 3rd 1996: An airforce jet carrying 35 people including Democrat US Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown veered off course into a mountainous area in Croatia while attempting to land at Dubrovnik Airport in Croatia in heavy fog, killing all 35 people on board, including the U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.
At the time of Ron Brown's death, he was under investigation for his involvement in the commerce department trade mission controversy. Allegations were made that SEATS on federal flights going on official trade missions were sold for political contributions to Clinton campaign fund. Ron Browns former business partner Nolanda Hill testified that Ron had told President Bill Clinton to get these investigators off of him he may have to turn states evidence. A couple weeks later the Clinton administration had him going to Croatia where he died.
At least 2 Airforce pathologists noticed the hole on the top of Ron Browns head in the photos. Their superiors did not want to hear anything except airplane crash death and didn't want an autopsy (Always a RED FLAG for a cover up).
Kathleen Janoski. CPO Janoski was the Chief of the Forensic Photography Division at the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology ("AFIP") and is a 22-year veteran of the Navy.
Lt. Colonel Steven Cogswell (USAF) Pathologist on the AFIP team.

The Bullet Hole in Ron Brown’s Head – WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

The Unexplained Bullet- Wound In Ron Brown's Head: From Don Stacey < 1-11-2000
At the time of the crash, Mr. Brown was under investigation by the Office of Independent Counsel (Mr. Daniel Pearson was the Special Prosecutor) and was under subpoena to produce documents concerning the sale of seats on trade missions in a civil law suit by Judicial Watch.
On December 3, another article included statements by one of the pathologists on the AFIP team, Lt. Colonel Steven Cogswell (USAF), that there was a perfectly round hole, inward-beveled, in Mr. Brown's skull that looked like a bullet hole. However, no autopsy was performed.
On December 5, Cogswell was put under a gag order. At about that time, he was escorted to his home by military police who seized all case materials on the Brown case.
On December 9, Lt. Colonel David Hause (U.S. Army) another AFIP pathologist and a leading expert on gun shot wounds, confirmed Cogswell's statements. The gag order was broadened to include all AFIP personnel.
On January 9, the Washington Post reported that the AFIP had convened a review panel of all its pathologists that had unanimously concluded that Brown died of blunt force trauma and that the hole was not a gunshot wound. But Cogswell says he refused to participate in the review and that the only pathologists with expertise in bullet wounds dissented (I.e., himself, Hause & Major Thomas Parsons of the USAF).
Shortly after the Post article, Major Parsons came forth to indicate his dissent to the so-called "unanimous" board conclusion.
On January 13, a fourth member of the AFIP team, Chief Petty Officer Janoski, came forth to confirm the account of the skull hole. She further indicated that she had been told by Jeanmarie Sentelle, a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, that x-rays of Brown's skull had been destroyed after the "lead snowstorm" was discovered. According to Sentelle, a "lead snowstorm" on x-rays is caused by bullet fragments when a bullet disintegrates upon impact.
The Account of CPO Kathleen Janoski: Janoski's duties included photographing the bodies from head to toe. Beginning at the head of Ron Brown, she saw a perfectly round hole in his skull. She said something to the effect "Wow. That looks like a bullet hole." She immediately was "shushed" by Colonel William Gormley, the AFIP pathologist examining Brown's body. She repeated her statement and was again "shushed." Hearing her comment, others in the room came to Brown's body and looked at the hole. The hole was viewed by Hause, Gormley, Commander Edward Kilbane (USN) - all pathologists - and Lt. Colonel Craig Mallak who was doing his residency in pathology.
On the light box at the morgue were x-rays of Brown's skull which were photographed by Janoski. Ironically, her purpose in photographing the x-rays was to test the light meter in her camera rather than record evidence. The photos of the x-rays became critically important when the x-rays apparently disappeared.
While photographing Brown's body, Janoski was urged to hurry by Bob Veasey, AFIP investigator working with Colonel William Gormley, referring to "White House pressure."
Cogswell did not view the hole in the skull as he was dispatched to the crash site in Croatia soon after the bodies arrived at Dover. While in Croatia, he was called by Gormley who asked that he check the wreckage to see what might have caused the hole that he described to Cogswell. Cogswell responded to Gormley that, as described, it sounded like a bullet hole. Cogswell checked the wreckage and photos were taken of objects that might have caused such an injury but nothing was found that could have been the cause of the hole. Gormley's call to Cogwell came after Brown's body had been embalmed and released for burial.

Hillary's Oklahoma Scandal: By Joseph Farah © 2001
Nolanda Butler Hill, a former business partner of Brown, testified before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission January 31 that Hillary Clinton, Brown and McLarty were all up to their eyeballs in a scam designed to bilk consumers out of $35 million to $65 million in overcharges.
The story was first reported in a little alternative publication called the Oklahoma Constitution. It's an ugly, complicated and twisted little scandal that may involve more than money -- as two of the principals have met untimely, mysterious deaths.

EX-MISTRESS DETAILS RON BROWN'S OTHER LIFE: By James Warren and Tribune Staff Writer Chicago Tribune June 6th 1997
As Hill suggests in the June 9 New Yorker, Brown, the corner-cutting, former head of the Democratic National Committee, was probably headed toward huge legal problems, and likely an indictment, for suspect business dealings. "He might have gone to jail, and he knew that," she tells reporter Peter Boyer.

The Ron Brown Mystery: by Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid on December 11, 2001
Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski, who photographed Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown’s body at Dover Air Force Base, described at a recent AIM conference how the Navy punished her for raising questions about the cause of Brown’s death.
Recommendations by three pathologists, including Lt. Col. Steve Cogswell, that an autopsy be made were ignored and the head X-rays were destroyed. Colonel Cogswell was given what amounted to a demotion through a transfer out of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. His career was ruined. Janoski, once the head of photography at the institute, was given 32 hours to clear out of her office and her staff was taken away. Her offense was having given copies of her photos of Brown’s head and the destroyed head X-rays to journalist Chris Ruddy.
She said her faith in the Navy and its integrity was badly shaken. The chain of command failed her. But she has no regrets and is proud of working with Chris Ruddy to bring the facts about this bungled death investigation to the public’s attention.

Report from Washington: By Donald W. Stacey

Ron Brown's Body: How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future Hardcover – by Jack Cashill January 1, 2004
The mysterious death of Ron Brown has caused much controversy and suspicion, and in this investigative book, Cashill takes a close look at Brown's checkered career as Clinton fund-raiser and commerce secretary and consequently exposes the Clintons' dirty, relentless practices for getting financial backing. Cashill answers the most trenchant questions surrounding Brown's rise and fall: Why did his plane crash? Why did the White House suppress an investigation? What was the purpose of Brown's trade missions? And what larger forces caused the Clintons to seek international cash? Using the case of Ron Brown's untimely death as a touchstone for the Clintons' unseemly and unsavory practices in the White House, Cashill explores the seedy depths of the most corrupt adminstration in American history during its two most desperate years and focuses directly on the machinations of the direst threat to today's political scene, Hillary Clinton.

What really happened to Ron Brown- By Jack Cashill Posted: April 7, 2006

The Suspicious Death of Ron Brown — Another Clinton Hit Job?: October 10rth 2021 Russ Winter
At the time of his death in 1996, Brown had not been offered a role in the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign and was rumored to be ready to step down as Secretary.
The first announcement of the crash came not from Dubrovnik, or anywhere else in Croatia, but from a Pentagon spokesman who requested anonymity, an odd occurrence in a supposed simple airline crash. This modus operandi was very similar to the plane crash of JFK Jr, see WW post link at end.
The airport maintenance chief in charge of navigational beacons among other things was found to have killed himself a couple of days after the crash and before he was scheduled to be interviewed.
Cyril Wecht entered the picture. Wecht is considered by many to be the world’s foremost forensics expert with over 40 years experience, including gunshots and plane crashes. He was also a Democrat, which meant that the White House couldn’t quite paint him with their usual broad brush of “it’s a Republican plot.” Wecht concurred that the hole in the top of Ron Brown’s head is consistent with a gunshot based on the inward beveling and the “snowstorm” of highly dense particles seen on the X-rays behind Ron Brown’s left eye.
Most significantly, according to Wecht, Brown’s other injuries were not that serious, and it was quite possible that Ron Brown survived the actual crash, as had stewardess Shelly Kelly. Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash, the first Croatian Special Forces search party arrived on the scene. It finds only stewardess Kelly surviving. They called for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital. When it arrived, Kelly was able to get on board without assistance from the medics. But Kelly somehow dies an route.
According to multiple reports given to journalist and editor Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later revealed a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery. It also showed the incision came at least three hours after all her other cuts and bruises.
This opens up the possibility that during those first few hours, when the White House reports of wreckage being found in the Adriatic had everyone looking in the wrong location, a “clean up” crew visited the crashed T-43, to make certain there were no survivors. Somehow, Ms. Kelly was overlooked, which required “special handling” during her helicopter ride to the hospital.
Evidence that such a “cleanup” crew was there is contained in the following story from Associated Press that confirmed that when the rescue crew finally reached the crash site, someone had gotten there ahead of them.

Obama aide a former Clinton hatchet man: By Jack Cashill Published June 26, 2008

Lest We Forget, Clinton’s Chinagate, the Most Serious Scandal in US History: By M Dowling -October 28, 20211

Killing Ron Brown: A Clinton Crime Family Story: Bill Hennessy Oct 3, 2016

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