2 years ago

Luciferian Anti-Christ Cancerous Consciousness & Babylonian World Empire (mirrored)

"The most amazing thing about
the American people is that they are constantly defending their
worst betrayers." Who then is the modern man? He is a mindbombed
patsy who gets his marching orders from "twilight
language" key words sprinkled throughout "his" news and
current events. Even as he dances to the tune of the elite
managers of human behavior, he scoffs with great derision at
the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass
mind control emanating from the media and government.
Modern man is much too smart to believe anything as
superstitious as that!
Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the
idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the
power of the hypnotist's control over him, even as his head
bobs up and down on a string."

"As the mountebank delivered his harangue, the clown would
repeatedly poke his head out from behind the curtain, making
fun of everything his master said, parodying his patter and
twisting the meaning of his words. The mountebank played the
perfect straight man, meanwhile. Here he was, trying so hard
to hawk his wares, and his own assistant was doing everything
possible to undermine sales.
"The merriment was of course intentional. While the clown
seemingly encouraged the public not to buy the proffered
merchandise, the mountebank knew full well that the
bystanders would easily be converted into customers as soon as
they forgot that they were, in fact, supposed to be buying. Once
the audience had been effectively hypnotized, once its judgment
and willpower had been weakened, the real sales pitch could
begin..." —J.H. Towsen, Clowns.
"Hoodwink: A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in
which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the
unhallowed gaze of the profane." -Dr. Albert Mackey, 33rd
Degree Freemason, The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
Millions of men and women who, just twenty years ago, were
decent, caring, family and community-oriented Christian
people, are now alchemically transformed into beasts who care
for nothing but money and television.
Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies And Psychological Warfare

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