US Seized Bank Total Bank Failure

2 years ago

Breaking News: US Seized A Bank - Total Bank Failure Video:

This video discusses bank news that was just released 12 minutes ago. The US Seized a Bank. Actually, the US seized Silicon Valley Bank- Total Bank Failure was the reason. There were many discrepancies in the Silicon Valley Bank banking systems; this video touches on a few. Silicon Valley Bank has been compared to Lehman Brothers. The alarming news is, Silicon Valley Bank experienced a bank run. The bank run was a huge indicator that the bank was in trouble. All bank assets were seized! Be sure to see the video in its entirety.

The tech industry was exposed to Silicon Valley Bank and the aftermath is yet to be revealed. This video also discusses deposits and bank account totals that were against regulatory regulations.

We also reveal what was predicted regarding the huge possible bank crash. How the bank crash would happen was predicted decades ago, on a Friday. Like, share, and subscribe. See the video for more!

Not sure if the global news covers all of the above, but it should be considered global news. If not, it should be considered international news. There are a lot of earthquakes consistently in many places.

I don't possess a major in Geology nor am I a topologist, yet the earth and its experiences fascinate my curiosity. I have learned to love nature and am crawling back to spiritually understanding nature.

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#bankrun #bankseized #SiliconValleyBank

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