Endraum - Pale blue the silence (2004)

1 year ago

Original uploader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwLoeKDmdkc

Der Titel "pale blue the silence" stammt von der DVD:
"nachtblende" DVD (weisser herbst produktion 2004)
ein film von endraum
entstanden in den monaten februar 2002 und dezember 2003
produktion und realisation von endraum/hovi-m. & roman r.
Mehr Infos unter: www.weisserherbst.de

spring water in distance
your face is my face
one teardrop in heaven
this hand is the silence
the movement is with us
and waiting for something
waiting for something

pale blue the silence
my dream is still fading
this hand kiss the silence
black rain in the distance

Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
waiting for something
waiting for something

give me your reason
a rainbow your sister
reflections that blind
the movement is with us
one teardrop in heaven
this hand kiss the silence
and waiting for something
waiting for something

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