The Copernican Principle: Darwin's Trojan Horse

1 year ago

A Note from the video's creator:
Some people seem to be able to almost instantly realize the ramifications of an enclosed, geocentric cosmology, particularly when it comes to issues such as Evolution, as being almost beyond self-evident. Other folks, however, have a much more difficult time seeing this connection. It is for the latter group that I have endeavored to piece this video together, compiling some of the information I have been myself looking into over the last few weeks and months. The topic is admittedly FAR too deep to try and exhaustively cover here in a single 15 minute vid, but my hope is that it might at least prompt people to then go and research for themselves more thoroughly the historical intricacies of things such as the Copernican Principle, the Copernican Revolution, Scientism, Darwinian Evolution, and most importantly, what the Biblical Scriptures have to say about the Cosmos in which we all truly live...

Written and created by William Goodrich of:
The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction:

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