4AR4 The Global Artificial Intelligence Network 💎 #shorts #TauNet #Agoras #globalAI

1 year ago

Q: Since Ethereum is the global network par excellence for smart contracts and dapps due to the network effect that have created as the first project of this type, could Tau be the global artificial intelligence network on which all new consulting infrastructure is developed?
A: Definitely yes, as more knowledge is being aggregated over the platform that knowledge can be used by companies by individuals to consult other projects or to more specifically to participate in discussions with that knowledge even automatically without the person who has originally provided the specific piece of knowledge needing to be there so the network can on its own participate in discussions and consult companies in very specific matters. The answer definitely is YES! - Kilian Kunst, VP of Communications of Tau

#TauGlobalAI #ConsultingInfrastructure #ArtificialIntelligenceNetwork #SmartContracts #Dapps #Blockchain #KnowledgeAggregation #IntelligentDiscussions #FutureOfConsulting

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