Dogs tug of war, Bumpy Roads RV Life

2 years ago

Ringo and Jasper are having a tug of war. Jasper is always up for playing with Ringo, even though Ringo always wins.
They love living the RV Life Full Time with us in our 38ft 5th wheel. They are also really great swimmers and rock pushers.

Subscribe to see more of Ringo & Jasper

We are Chris and Tammy of Bumby Roads RV Life. We are RV Living Full Time with our 2 dogs, Ringo & Jasper, our 2 cats, Scheissa & Cupcake, and occasionally our 2 grandkids. So far, we are enjoying the RV Lifestyle, and learning a lot as RV Newbies. Follow us as we travel the USA, Bumpy Roads and all.

Bumby Roads written & performed by Chris Rogers, Banjo by Ray Rogers

#bumpyroadsrvlife, #rvfulltimeliving , #rvfulltimelivingwithdogs, #rvnewbie

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