Amazing Historical Events That Occurred on 3/10🎉 #shorts #history

2 years ago

This amazing historical event looks back to March 10th, 1578, when Queen Elizabeth I of England provided financial aid to the Dutch rebellion by granting Johan Casimir £20,000. This was a crucial step in the Dutch revolt against Spanish rule, and the beginning of the Dutch Golden Age.On the same day in 1661, King Louis XIV of France began his personal rule, ushering in an era of absolute rule in France that lasted until the French Revolution.

In 1783, Captain John Barry of the USS Alliance fought and won the last naval battle of the American Revolutionary War off Cape Canaveral. This was the first successful launch of a vessel in the United States, and it would go on to inspire the creation of the United States Navy.

In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the world's first telephone call when he said, "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you." This event changed the way people communicated, and made long-distance communication much easier.

Finally, on March 10th, 1927, Bavaria lifted the ban on Adolf Hitler's speeches, allowing him to rise to power. Hitler's speeches would go on to have a profound effect on world history, and he would become one of the most notorious leaders of the 20th century.

Join us as we take a look back at these amazing historical events that occurred on March 10th, from the Dutch rebellion to the rise of Adolf Hitler. We'll explore the important moments that shaped world history and the legacy that these events left behind.

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