Jesus is ready to get His bride!! Do not fall asleep

1 year ago

Jesus will just show up and grab those who truly follow Him before the 7 year tribulation begins, do not fall asleep or Jesus will just show up and the trumpet will sound and millions of people who truly follow Jesus will be gone, now is not the time to mess around or act like the world, Jesus wants a spotless bride and will not take anyone who is not spotless or ready, when the rapture happens WW3 will happen at the same time, America will be destroyed completely and those left behind in America will be dead, killed or taken to prison camps, the dead churches will be destroyed and the useless pastors who did nothing for God will be thrown outside and the members to, they will have to decide between Jesus and be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or serve Satan and suffer in the lake of fire forever, there is no middle ground in the tribulation at all, no more church potlucks, missionaries who do nothing, Easter pagan nonsense, no more of that, the antichrist will destroy all the churches and bibles and there will be one world government and religion and churches he has no need for them at all, he will get rid of everything that is about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, crosses, he will destroy it all, you will have to hide in swamp's, cave's because the antichrist beast crowd will go after anyone who is not loyal to the antichrist, they will not be nice about it either, all the masked vaccine losers will persercute those not part of the antichrist, they will laugh when they shoot your husband in front of you and beat you up and throw you into a prison camp, it will be fun for them and they will see those who do not worship the antichrist as dangerous and need to get rid of them, the antichrist will be far worse then Hitler was, you do not want to be left behind!!

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