God has had it with the lukewarm church crowd and wicked

1 year ago

God has had it with the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors, and all the wicked!! God said to Noah go and get your family and bring them into the ark for I will send a flood and destroy all the wicked so Noah entered the ark with his wife and his son's and sons wives and the Lord shut them in and made it rain, God spared only Noah and his family and all the wicked died, same in Sodom and Gomorrah, all the wicked died but not lot or his daughters, his wife loved Sodom and Gomorrah and died and was turned into a pillow of salt and her soul went to hell, God is super angry and will unleash His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! All the lukewarm phony church going crowd will be left behind, they are not dressed for a wedding at all and do not care, they are the 5 foolish bridesmaids who had no oil and were not allowed into the wedding, the oil is the Holy Spirit, the so called pastors and church members put their faith in a church building or priest or pastor and are a church member, they brag that they are a good Catholics or church of Christ or Baptist and Jesus never said to go to church or be a church member or go every Sunday, Sunday night or Wednesday, to give money to a pastor, celebrate pagan holidays, Jesus hates all these man made churches and the lost people inside, it angers Him seeing churches that allow Gross half naked gays lesbians trans drag queens inside and perform in front of kids, fly the ugly gay sodomite flag, support abortion, Ukraine, do not open the bible ever, wear masks and get vaccines, the apostate churches will suffer God wrath and the clowns inside will suffer God judgement to, get out of the dead churches now or suffer God judgement!! The ark is now shut and those outside will not be allowed in, when you get left behind Jesus will not come back and get you at all!!!

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