FFW 34: Steamdeck News number....

2 years ago

March ‘23 Mega Newsbomb: Steamdeck
DOTA 2 Updates
Freed Computer
Counter-Strike 2 Coming in Hot

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FFW 34.1- Steamdeck mega news bomb

What’s new with the ‘deck, these days? I haven’t seen much lately, then we get hit with a bunch right around March 1. Well, let’s take a look:
· Games
o DOOM Eternal: RT Now Playable
o Resident Evil 5 removed Games for Windows Live - so it now works out of the box on Linux and Steam Deck with Proton.
o Entropy : Zero 2 has a nice big update for Linux and Steam Deck with Native support.
o Over 8,000 Steam Deck Playable and Verified
o Elden Ring expansion announced.
o Cyberpunk 2077 gets Verified.
o CS:GO Source 2 / Counter-Strike 2 stuff.
· Other stuff
o Steam Deck L3 cache issue.
§ Looks to be going away with the update to Linux 61 kernel series

Good stuff, overall. Big name games working better than ever, along with some other improvements.


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FFW 34.2: DOTA 2 Updates: Muerta

I’m not familiar with DOTA at all, and this looks like as good a reason as any to not start familiarizing myself now. This update is DARK, y’all. It literally allows you to play as a sort of undead assassin hero named Muerta. There should be a full game update sometime next month, which should be “ambitious”. It is an old game, so they are looking at engine updates that won’t totally bork old hardware, as long as you built/bought your system in the last 10 years or so, you should be able to continue playing.

What about Muerta, you ask?
Here are the highlights:
· So efficient as a killer that Death himself hired her to “shepherd” souls to the other side.
· Skills
o Dead Shot - Muerta fires a ghostly bankshot at an enemy unit or tree. When the bullet strikes, it damages and briefly slows, then ricochets in the targeted direction. The ricochet damages all units that it passes through, stopping when it hits a hero. Heroes hit by the ricochet will run in the direction of the shot.
o The Calling - Summons a group of revenants that slowly circle the targeted location. Enemies within the area are slowed and have reduced attack speed. Revenants deal damage and silence enemies as they pass through them.
o Gunslinger - Muerta's attacks have a chance to fire a second shot at another target, prioritizing Heroes.
o Pierce the Veil - Muerta transforms, becoming immune to physical damage. All of her attack damage is dealt as magical damage. Muerta gains bonus attack damage and phased movement. Muerta can attack ethereal units, but deals no damage to Magic Immune targets.

If you play, this might be interesting. Personally, this doesn’t appeal to me. Vive la differance, eh?


#FFW #Linux #dota2 #updates #newhero #FOSSnews #linuxgaming #TechFreedom

Freed Computer


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FFW 34.3: Looks Like CS2 Is Coming in Hot...

Not only did someone catch a reference to it in the latest NVidia drivers (as an aside, what is with that logo?), but there is confirmation that either a huge update is on the way for CS:GO, or a whole new game to replace the aging, yet insanely popular behemoth, as I covered last week. Looks like we’ll see a beta for whatever this is by the end of this month though, so if you have the time to play games like this these days, you may want to keep your eyes peeled for this new thing coming very soon, within 2-3 weeks of when this video will go live.


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