Face To Face Dennis Ward sits down with Lester Howse

1 year ago

“Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with Lester Howse” Dennis Ward
APTN Face To Face
He was involved in the American Indian Movement in the 1960’s and 70’s and is well known for his knowledge of international law.

Lester Howse admits, judges are not happy to see him walk through the doors of a courtroom.

Howse has been fighting for Tribal Sovereignty because he says it supersedes the Indian Act system and domestic Canadian law.
Wondering now that the Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously decided Metis are in fact Indian, will Metis-Indian be able to declare soverienty.

Why Canadian law has no jurisdiction on us
NEED TO KNOW INFO! SHARE THIS VIDEO!! - Wapiskisit Piyesiw - White Thunderbird in Nehiyawewin - doesn't fit the mould cranking out the Murray Sinclairs, Phil Fontaines or Roseanne Archibalds of the Indigenous rights spectrum in Canada.
Far from it. A real Heads Man. Real Authority from real Clan Mothers.
White Thunderbird says his peoples home territory covers a huge swath of the eastern rocky mountains.
The former American Indian Movement foot-soldier who lives in Ponoka, Alta., 100 km south of Edmonton, says he has spent the last half century of his life helping ordinary people with their legal rights from completely beyond Canadian law.
He says the rights and shown to prove the power of real law of the people who descended from the original title holders of this land are matters of international law; domestic Canadian constitutional law has no jurisdiction whatsoever, none. What they commit running a foreign de facto illegal entity/corporation is War CRimes against all of humanity. Treason.
He also says he has proven this to the courts several times
Tribal Teachings From the Musa (Meredith M. Quinn)
Presented by: Lester Howse (Wapo Piesew)
At Ragpickers Theatre Winnipeg, Manitoba April 13th 2006
He was involved in the American Indian Movement in the 1960’s and 70’s and is well known for his knowledge of international law.

Lester Howse admits, judges are not happy to see him walk through the doors of a courtroom.

Howse has been fighting for Tribal Sovereignty because he says it supersedes the Indian Act system and domestic Canadian law.



Creating a Natural Law Republic & Parts 1 -10

Where We Are & Where We're Going Part 1
Imagining A Better Future Part 2
Exposing Fatal Flaws of Government & Top-Down Societal Control Part 3
The Death of Government & Rise of the Natural Law Society Part 4
How A Public Service Admin Works in A Natural Law Republic Part 5
Creating A Social Contract With Real Protection Part 6
Crime, Reparation, & Reform in a Natural Law Justice System Part 7
Keeping Corporations in Check! Part 8
Reclaiming Media & Restoring Truth in Society Part 9
Creating a New Education System Part 10
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