No Page 2

2 years ago

The difference is whether someone is visiting my website on a phone or whether they're visiting my website on a computer. It used to matter. Because they would find you, like, if they're using a desktop, they would find you with the index Google has for desktops. But searching to find you. Searching to find you in Google. One thing that I know about my customers,
and I know this because I ask, is how they found me. What they're typing into a search engine to actually find me? And my biggest search term is website designer Vancouver WA.

There are many varieties of that, but that's the biggest search term for me.
So when somebody comes to a search engine and they type that in, it's my goal to have my website come up. These are people that don't know me,
and they're looking for my service. It used to be that this was the first page and we had maps. Everybody's used to looking at that. And then we had some organic listings, which is where everybody wants to be, is in the organic listings. And then we had that was page one, and that was it.

People would say you have to be on page one. Nobody goes to page two.
Here's the important thing. There is no page two anymore. Page one, keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. So you want to be at the top of the search engines.

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