💫Rejuvenate and Regenerate the Whole Body💫 Eliminate Toxins and Dead Cells💫 Healing Sound💫

1 year ago

💫A matrix for rejuvenation and healing of the whole body, all internal organs will sound in the background. You can hear it right now. You can listen to this meditation at any time convenient for you, in the morning, in the evening or before going to bed, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.
💫 Now there is no need for any haste, there is no place for worries and anxieties. There is only you, your body and this moment, everything else does not matter.
💫Your eyebrows are relaxed, the corners of your mouth are lowered. Shoulders relax, become heavy, lower. The body seems to be attracted to the surface, it wants to rest, relax, let go of all tension. The muscles have become soft, they are already resting. Your whole body is at rest, it no longer belongs to you, you are pure consciousness, ready to dive into your inner world. You may feel like you are falling asleep or already asleep. It doesn't matter, just enjoy the feeling.
You dive deep into yourself. There is peace and quiet within you.
💫You feel very comfortable and safe in this place, in your cozy inner world. Here, no one will ever be able to disturb you, this inner space belongs only to you.
💫You feel how a pleasant growing sensation of warmth spreads throughout the body, filling all the space inside you, enveloping every organ, every cell.
💫This light illuminates the best moments of your life, your youth, love, your carefree childhood. Imagine that you have become that same cheerful child again. You live this special bright time of childhood, you can once again sincerely enjoy life, and explore this wonderful world, admire and be surprised at simple things. You look at this world with wide eyes. You feel that a great strength, hope, a stream of endless energy, an inexplicable and wonderful desire to live, create and create are hidden in you. Your consciousness is wide open to this world, and this world is open to you, it helps you, and you accept its pure energy.
💫You open up to her like a flower opens its petals to the warm morning sun.
💫These rays pass through you, this radiance starts the process of rejuvenation and renewal of all body systems.
💫There is no more fear left in you, no more doubts left, everything that was before that no longer matters. Only this moment of divine transformation, healing and rejuvenation is important.
💫From this you feel absolute freedom and lightness within yourself. Your eyes glow with health and beauty. They again sparkle with the light of the joy of life. Bright colors are returning to your life. You can see these colors, feel them, breathe them in, feel them.
💫Your body is constantly regenerating and renewing itself. This process will continue forever. 💫Energy accompanies you through life, you can embody everything that you have been putting off for a long time, everything that you have dreamed of. Your body takes care of you, helps you, it is with you every minute of your life. The body thanks you for your love and care, for this wonderful moment of peace and true happiness.
💫 💫 💫 IMPORTANT!!! 💫 How to listen to the matrix! 💫💫 💫
1. The sound shouldn't be loud. Below the roller is a volume control, if you can't see it you can turn the volume down on your phone or computer.
2. If you want to hear the matrix right away, you can rewind the introduction with the cursor in the video clip.
3. Almost all matrices can be listened to in the evening before going to bed or during the day.
4. If desired, when playing the matrix, do not forget to place water or other liquid charge near the sound source. Then you will drink.
5. The effect of the matrices when applying other sounds and musical accompaniment is not lost, and sometimes even enhanced. I emphasize once again that the matrix itself may seem silent, due to this it is almost invisible, its power is not lost 💫
💫 Believe it or not, it doesn't matter, just play. The healing process has already begun and cannot be stopped 💫
💫 This recording should be listened to at least 30 minutes a day. Therefore, it is recommended to turn on the matrix before going to bed, when no one distracts or disturbs you.
💫 You don't have to do anything, focus on the sounds, the words, you can also go about your business or just relax, you can close your eyes if it's more convenient for you. Now is the time for your health, nothing else matters. There is only you and this sound 💫

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