Psalm 11 “Make your escape and like a bird. For refuge to your mountain flee." Sing Psalms -LM tune.

1 year ago

Psalm 11 “Make your escape and like a bird. For refuge to your mountain flee."
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondence.
images: Lot flees Sodom (Genesis 18)
William Brassey Hole - The Three Visitors (Genesis 18)
Lot flees Sodom (Genesis 18)


1 I find my refuge in the LORD;
How is it then you say to me,
“Make your escape and like a bird
For refuge to your mountain flee.

2 “For look, the wicked bend their bows,
And on the string they set their dart;
From shadows dark they aim and shoot
At those who are upright in heart.

3 “If the foundations are destroyed
And all around there is decay,
Whatever can the righteous do,
Surrounded by such disarray?”

4 The LORD is in his holy place;
The LORD is on his heavenly throne.
His eyes observe the human race,
And in his sight each one is known.

5 The LORD examines all the just,
The righteous ones he proves and tests;
But all those who love wickedness
And violence his soul detests.

6 Upon the wicked he will rain
His fiery coals and sulphur hot;
A scorching wind will beat on them—
Such punishment will be their lot.

7 For God the LORD is righteous still,
In righteousness he takes delight;
And they alone will see his face
Who are in heart and life upright.

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