10Mar23 "Soft Power" (Culture, Religion) is the Key to Victory & the Marxist Point of Attack

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Norfolk Southern CEO called to testify after ANOTHER derailment, then mere hours before his testimony, ANOTHER derailment 2:42

FBI Director admits buying geolocation from phone companies to spy without a warrant. Why is media surprised? 6:49

Musk building a "utopian company town" just outside Austin. Oxymoron? 14:13

British government says the 1964 movie "Zulu" with Michael Caine is extremist. The most decorated regiment in history where a bridge building crew of 150 were attacked by 4,000 Zulus. For once they're right — extreme courage, extreme discipline, extreme training. But today's Zulu tribe has something to say about it that doesn't fit the current narrative… 20:18

Movie theaters are disappearing…prices inflated, number of screens shrinks, and content stinks 28:37

New Christian movie with Kelsey Grammar, "Jesus Revolution", has earned more money than 4 Oscar nominated films — COMBINED 29:32

Why are vinyl LP's outselling CD's now? 32:46

Disney's RACIST obsessions and historical ignorance of "Song of the South" caused it to get rid of the "Splash Mountain" ride and now their theme song "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" will be purged from the park and parade. "My, oh my…" 44:57

LA Times is BEYOND PARODY: says white drivers are polluting the air people of color breathe — and they're serious! 54:29

Colin Kaepernick's "Peter Pan" problem. Now he accuses his white adoptive parents of being racist 1:06:11

Lawmaker condemns Christian parents adopting Indian children of "genocide" 1:10:34

Marxists understand how powerful "soft power", do we? 1:15:21

BLM holds seminars to get teachers to be subversive and turn kids into radicals from kindergarten 1:20:21

College enrollments is falling fast as people realize how most degrees are a waste of time and money 1:24:35

Texas Tech coach fired for sharing a Bible verse that student characterized as "racist". 1:27:15

From Mask Mandate to Mask Ban: Biggest FlipFlop Yet. Vienna goes from mask mandates to mask bans overnight. NYC takes off the masks as they've created a crime wave 1:33:27

EXPOSED: The cynical lies and crimes of UK's lockdown politicians are exposed when the ghostwriter Matt Hancock hired to make him a lockdown hero makes his encrypted text messages with other politicians public 1:47:33

INTERVIEW Will the Fed Crash the Economy in 2 Weeks? Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com. As Fed chair signals more big interest rates, what is the likelihood it will escalate DragFlation. Looking back at the COVID WAR and the people who lied us into it like Matt Hancock in the UK. Now we're seeing mainstream narrative lying about gold prices as central banks stock up.

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