1 year ago


While in prayer today, the Lord gave me a vision. I saw three chess boards, and each one came into my view one at a time. The individual pieces looked normal in size and made out of a marble-like material. They appeared in color and intricate in detail. As the first board came into view, I saw that the chess pieces were not the usual pieces that you would normally see, but were different shapes. Board #1 pieces were of the Bear versus the Eagle. The pieces along the back row on one side were all in the shape of a Bear on his hind legs. The piece that would be the king was a Bear with the head of the leader of Russia. The other Bear pieces in that row also had heads of people, but I did not see who they were. The Bear's row of pawn pieces were all in the shape of rockets. On the other side of the board, the back row pieces were all in the shape of an Eagle standing upright on its claws with its wings slightly out to the side. The king Eagle piece had the head of the leader of America. The rest of the row also had heads of people, but I did not see who they were. The row of Eagle pawns were eaglets. As I watched, none of the Eagle pieces moved at all, but I saw different squares on the Bear side begin to light up in different patterns. I was shown that while the Eagle was trying to figure out just one move to make, the Bear was already planning out many different moves to make. He was 7 moves ahead to every 1 move of the Eagle. 


Board #1 disappeared, and chess board #2 came into view. This board's pieces were the same Eagle pieces I had seen from board #1 versus the pieces of the Dragon. These Dragon pieces were standing along the back row on all 4 legs with the tail pointing upward. I saw what would be the king piece with the head of the leader of China. There were other heads of people, but I did not see who they were. The row of pawn pieces on the Dragon side were all in the shape of a bullet, with all of them having the head of the leader of North Korea. As I watched, these pieces only just stood looking at each other. 


Board #2 disappeared, and chess board #3 came into view. This board's pieces were the same Eagle pieces I had seen from board #1 and 2 versus the pieces of the Beast. These Beast pieces looked like some type of beast animal with many heads. There were larger pieces on the back row and the same smaller pieces for the row of pawns. I saw what would be the king Beast piece with a head of someone that I do not know who it was. I saw that other Beast pieces in the back row were leaders of European countries of the UK, Germany, France, and others. The row of Beast pawn pieces all had the head of the leader of Ukraine on them. As I watched, all of the pawn pieces began to pull or suck like a vacuum all of the feathers off of the Eagle and Eaglet pieces. I saw these feathers flying off the Eagle pieces and drawn like a magnet to the Beast pawn pieces. The feathers appeared to be representing money. Then the board disappeared and the vision ended.                  

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