2 years ago

In this week's episode Mark and Kendra open up about a new couples coaching vertical within IAMACOMEBACK that they are offering.

Healthy relationships require a constant and conscious effort to build and maintain. They are not on autopilot and will not just happen. It requires both parties to be focused on their individual self-development and combine that in the relationship to flourish and thrive in all facets of the relationship and life.

Finding a person that is willing to roll with you through the good times and the bad, and build a legacy together is truly a gift that so many couples lose sight of.

The day-to-day going through the motions can settle in and leave one or both in the relationship feeling complacent. It is important to go all in on yourself and your relationship so you and your family can thrive.

Lots of value in this episode, enjoy


#mindset #grow #growth #couples #podcast #inspire #relationship #rideordie

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