The Victim Industry

2 years ago

In this week's episode, my big idea is to explore the victim industry.

It's seemingly attractive to be a victim. You get sympathy, you get attention and sometimes you get lots of money. Other times, you might get a little bit of money.

However, I say you pay a big price when you play the victim game.

So, I urge you to be aware of that price.

Don't jump into the victim industry unthinkingly.

The alternative to being a victim is to take responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it. There is a vast range of benefits for you when you take responsibility, when you choose to take responsibility.

Understanding these benefits will help you to properly consider the choice before you.

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In this episode. I aim to enlighten you about the costs and the benefits of the road that you choose to travel. It's a most important and crucial choice before you!

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