6 Little Things You Do That Are Slowly-But-Surely Turning Him Off

1 year ago

#relationshipgoals #relationshipgoals #love
Relationships can be tricky and require constant effort to maintain a healthy dynamic. Unfortunately, there are certain habits or behaviors that can slowly but surely turn your partner off. Here are six little things you might be doing that could be damaging your relationship:

Constantly criticizing him: Criticism is not constructive and can be harmful to your partner's self-esteem. When you criticize your partner frequently, he might start feeling unappreciated and undervalued.

Lack of affection: A little affection goes a long way in a relationship. Not showing affection towards your partner can make him feel unwanted and unloved.

Always being on your phone: When you're constantly glued to your phone, it can make your partner feel like he's not a priority in your life. It can also make him feel like he's not being listened to or valued.

Not giving him space: While it's important to spend time with your partner, it's equally important to give him space. When you don't give your partner the space he needs, it can make him feel suffocated and overwhelmed.

Being too controlling: Being controlling can be a major turn off for many people. If you're constantly trying to control every aspect of your partner's life, he might start feeling like he's not his own person.

Neglecting your appearance: While it's important to love yourself for who you are, neglecting your appearance can make your partner feel like you're not putting in any effort into your relationship. Taking care of yourself can show your partner that you care about your relationship and want to keep the spark alive.

If you're doing any of these things, it's important to take a step back and evaluate your behavior. By being aware of these little things, you can work on improving your relationship and keeping the love alive.

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