Ain’t my monkey ain’t my zoo, but this sure as hell is my country.

1 year ago

Since we all know gang stalkers are guilty of treason, among the other crimes punishable by death, get it through your heads:
POW 299824133 i Christopher rigling will not listen to obey or tolerate the threats against my or others personal safety and well being. Never have never will, illegal recording and broadcasting out my life not acceptable, the “script”, screw you- I am a human being , you’re animals that belong locked up in a zoo..
as you all have so often stated the people you are torturing are not willing victims… if wiling they wouldn’t be victims for 1.
Setting us up , screwing us over, trying to own our lives or bodies for your entertainment, human trash is an upgrade to what you really are in keeping this pc.
I will not allow you to brainwash me or train me or whatever sick messed up term it is that you want to use to continue your wrecking ball in life. Nobody knows who you are? that's your claim to fame right?! hmmm check out the google document "people involved" , listen to the podcasts,, blue mile, switch box inc., YouTube all channels... Hell the video below I'm not connected to at all, WOW, guess someone knows something. Oh and what about Steve? you said from the hillside , right? Church on Safrin Ave- Church of Martini- (closed-but wow one hell of a newer back up generator)
I will not cover up the murders, rapes, kidnappings, torture, slavery, forced relationships, marriages, threats, that you and your VR dorks are using 24-7 to try to live someone else's lives and control them. Human Rights Civil Rights American Rights.. Havana Syndrome. MK-Ultra, Human Drone Program, Brain Sharing, Secret Society, Fraud,)
Don't you think Jason Cunningham deserves more? And how many others since then have the same "script" from you all Jason and I do? You ended his life with a bullet, wow how powerful of you to beat someone to death mentally physically and emotionally so much and make them feel that they have no reason to live because you have taken life away from them, How's your ego now, you enjoy your sexual predator role also?
Gas lighting and Gang Stalking is sadly being covered up by well, contact Columbus Ohio, Short North , Ask Trixie Mattel, Aaron Schroeder showed me a couple of her video podcasts, spot on..

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